Pump house

Narrative description of Project:

Water Supply sector

Construction of 2 CFU

installation of new distribution main of length 6.0 km and diametr 150 mm steel pipe

Installation of 2 new booster pumps

Sanitation Sector

Construction of stabilization ponds of capacity 3600m3/day

Installation of sewer lines totalling to a length of 16.91 km with diameters varying from 450mm-225mm

Construction of 5 pumping stations

Construction of pumping rising main of lenth 3km and diameter 250mm

Dam Sector

Construction of new pumping main of length 8.0 km and diameter 200mm steel pipe,

building of pump house of size 7mx5m

Installation of new pumping units

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

Design Review and preparation of tender documents, Carrying out detailed ESIA and RAP for the Project and obtaining relevant licenses together with compensation of Project affected persons, Developing a quality control and quality assurance plan necessary to ensure that the works are built and equipment installed in conformity with the Contractual Specifications, approved drawings, standards, agreed program, good engineering practice, State-of-the-Art, the EMP and RAP, Supervising, Inspecting and approving works before, during and after construction.